Real-Time Interaction Management (RTIM)

The Customer Decision Hub

Just 6% of marketers say they have a single view of the customer. In most organizations, customer views are fragmented and incomplete. When consumers reach out for help or marketers attempt to create tailored offers, it’s more frustrating than it should be.

Ever wish you could see into the minds of customers and know exactly what they want from your company? Well, too bad, because technology isn’t there yet. But Pushkal Consultants & Technocrats (PCT) can help you to leverage Pega’s Customer Decision Hub to get you one step closer.

Pushkal Consultants & Technocrats (PCT) have the talent pool of certified architects in Pega Customer Decision Hub

Pegasystems (Pega Platform) embeds its RTIM solution, Pega Customer Decision Hub, in its marketing, sales, and service modules — all part of Pega Infinity. A decision hub for every step of the customer journey

Pushkal Consultants & Technocrats (PCT) can help you “Make decisions better, faster, and smarter”

Data can give you great insights, but it won’t get the job done alone. Use it to power a decision-making engine that lets you take the next best action in every customer interaction.


Imagine the future with ‘visualization & simulation’


Continuously improve results by visualizing how future adjustments to your strategies can impact business performance. Simulate and test your ideas, evaluate the results using intuitive views, and then deploy optimal alterations.

Real-time, Omnichannel AI
From mobile to web to chatbots and beyond, optimize every customer interaction for both experience and value.

Real-time intelligence and next best action.

Proven AI. Laser-focused on customer engagement.

Make decisions better, faster, and smarter:
Awesome customer engagement means delivering best-in-class experiences that boost your bottom line. Personalized for the customer. In the moment. Optimized for your business. Smart. Fast. Everywhere.

These benefits aren’t theoretical. AI should be more than just a cartoon and a marketing pitch. We build battle-tested AI technology that lets you take the right action at every interaction by crunching millions of data points in real time. Make an offer. Initiate a retention plan. Predict a problem before it happens. Take the next best action for your customer and your business.


Pushkal Consultants & Technocrats (PCT) helped customers to unify “RTIM with digital decisioning and process automation.”

We helped our clients to model the Decision Strategies and also continuously improving results by empowering them with visual tools to visualize how future adjustments to the strategies can impact business performance. We helped to simulate and test ideas, evaluate the results using intuitive views, and then deploy optimal alterations.